Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Top 5 Tanning Lotions + Tips & Tricks

My Top 5

Retail Price: $65


Retail Price: $65

Retail Price: $145

Retail Price: $160

Retail Price: $105

  • Put your lotion on immediately before getting into the bed
  • Use a facial tanning lotion on your face or get a UV blocking cover
  • Never use a daily moisturizer with mineral oil or a high amount of alcohol it will strip your skin's pigment
  • Most lotions contain gluten, if you are sensitive to gluten, talk to a salon consultant about which lotions to use
  • Most intensifiers work better in beds with UVB bulbs
  • Most bronzers work better in beds with UVA bulbs
  • If you hit a tanning plateau, use a bed with a different type of bulb and switch back and forth
  • Switch up your lotion, your skin will get accustomed to your lotion and not be as effective if you only use one
  • Bronzers have a shelf life of only a few months, while intensifiers last much longer
  • A little goes a long way with lotion, you don't need to use a lot
  • Make sure to rub your lotion in well, bronzers can sometimes streak
  • Don't remove your lotion right after you tan, bronzers have coloring and the color will develop over the next few hours
  • If you spray tan after you use a tanning bed, any lotion with silicone will block the spray tan from reaching your skin
For more info watch my YouTube video :)

1 comment:

  1. Is the Adore lotion only used with a tanning bed or will it give you color by itself?
